Power Sheds

Page 1 - 2 of 11 results
1 Sep., 22
Garden Glow Up Competition

Have you inherited a drab garden that you’ve turned into a magical outdoor escape? Did you spend the last couple of years of lockdowns getting your back yard in order? If so,…

8 März, 22
Timber Purchasing Statement

We are sure your attention, just like ours, has been focused on the events unfolding around the horrific and distressing Russian military invasion of Ukraine. A large proportion of timber for the…

26 Jan., 21
Securing your Bike Shed

Whatever type of bike shed you’ve got, it’s important that you always fully secure your bicycles inside the shed itself. Because no shed is impregnable. And in most cases, it will actually…

27 März, 20
Shed Felt Buyers Guide

Types of Roofing Felt for Sheds There are many types of shed felt which differ in price and quality, but what’s the best roofing felt for sheds? We’ve compiled a list of…